CoinFabrik was asked to audit the contracts for the Magic Bridge project. First we will provide a summary of our discoveries and then we will show the details of our findings. After auditing the contracts, developers fixed issues and the fixes were audited; details of this revision are included.
The contracts audited are from the git repository. The audit is based on the commit 0fe0125735b2381e95e51456673b3e10e03f0a2b.
Revision is based on commit hash 9a9e7ca2b4555c07d9d818b65f2000332c6307b4.
The audited contracts are:
Code for bridge.contracts/clarity-bitcoin.clar:
Utilities for processing blocks and transactions out of the Bitcoin network.
The scope of the audit is limited to those files. No other files in this repository were audited. Its dependencies are assumed to work according to their documentation. Also, no tests were reviewed for this audit.
Without being limited to them, the audit process included the following analyses:
- Arithmetic errors
- Outdated version of Solidity compiler
- Race conditions
- Reentrancy attacks
- Misuse of block timestamps
- Denial of service attacks
- Excessive gas usage
- Missing or misused function qualifiers
- Needlessly complex code and contract interactions
- Poor or nonexistent error handling
- Insufficient validation of the input parameters
- Incorrect handling of cryptographic signatures
- Centralization and upgradeability.
Summary of Findings
We found 2 critical issues and 2 medium issues. Also, one enhancement was proposed.
Security Issues
ID | Title | Severity | Status |
CR-01 | Wrong xBTC Address | Critical | Acnowledged |
CR-02 | Frontrunning Attack by Changing Fees in Inbownd Swap | Critical | Fixed |
ME-01 | Unbounded and Undocumented Fees | Medium | Fixed |
ME-02 | Unfinished Transactions May Lock Funds | Medium | Fixed |
EN-01 | Outbound Revocation Taking Longuer than Expected | Medium | Fixed |
Security Issues Found
Severity Classification
Security risks are classified as follows:
- Critical: These are issues that we manage to exploit. They compromise the system seriously. They must be fixed immediately.
- Medium: These are potentially exploitable issues. Even though we did not manage to exploit them or their impact is not clear, they might represent a security risk in the near future. We suggest fixing them as soon as possible.
- Minor: These issues represent problems that are relatively small or difficult to take advantage of but can be exploited in combination with other issues. These kinds of issues do not block deployments in production environments. They should be taken into account and be fixed when possible.
Issues Status
An issue detected by this audit can have four distinct statuses:
- Unresolved: The issue has not been resolved.
- Acknowledged: The issue remains in the code but is a result of an intentional decision.
- Resolved: Adjusted program implementation to eliminate the risk.
- Partially resolved: Adjusted program implementation to eliminate part of the risk. The other part remains in the code but is a result of an intentional decision.
- Mitigated: Implemented actions to minimize the impact or likelihood of the risk.
Critical Severity Issues
CR-01 Wrong xBTC Address
● contracts/bridge.clar: Code for bridge.
● contracts/clarity-bitcoin.clar: Utilities for processing blocks and transactions out of the Bitcoin network.
which is not the xBTC (external) contract, but a contract with the same name defining an homonymous token. Deploying the contracts as in this commit could lead to confusion and having unprevented users swap their BTC for this token with a few hard-coded addresses.
Remove the xbtc.clar contract and use the xBTC address instead.
Acknowledged. Developers informed us auditors that this xbtc.clar contact is a mock and will be replaced on production pointing to the correct contract (this one).
Developers further explained that “… a new (unreleased) version of Clarinet includes support for defining external dependencies, which is exactly what we need in this use case. We will add support for this feature as soon as the new version is released.”
CR-02 Frontrunning Attack by Changing Fees In Inbound Swap
A supplier may frontrun a swapper by calling update-supplier-fees() before the swapper calls for escrow-swap() raising fees indiscriminately. The swapper thus cannot ensure fees when he calls the escrow and after this moment there is no turning back.
Allow the swapper to establish bounds for the fees, thus preventing the supplier from modifying fees after a certain point.
Fixed. A new parameter, min-to-receive, has been added to the escrow-swap() which was modified to check if the xbtc received by the swapper is at least min-to-receive.
Medium Severity Issues
ME-01 Unbounded And Undocumented Fees
A supplier may register via the register-supplier() function, also setting fees and later alter these with the update-supplier-fees(). None of the functions makes any check over outbound-base-fee and outbound-base-fee. Also, the call for validate-fee() function is made only during registration but not during fee update. Finally, there is no documentation for fees nor how many decimals are used, which could lead to errors from both supplier and swapper. Finally, the constant in validate-fee() should be defined in the contract’s preamble and not within the code to improve readability and prevent coding errors.
Ensure validate-fee() runs when modifying inbound-fee or outbound-fee. Set maximum value for base-fees. The maximum value for (percentage) fees is set to 100% which is plausible, but it is recommended to lower this.
Fixed. The update-supplier-fees() function was modified to run validate-fee() on outbound-fee and inbound-fee. With this change fees remain bounded.
ME-02 Unfinished Transactions May Lock Funds
In an inbound swap, if the swapper calls an escrow but the swap is not finalized by expiration time, then the swapper may unlock his BTC from the Bitcoin network, but the supplier cannot call remove-funds() or retrieve his xBTC. If the finalize-swap() is performed but doesn’t confirm on Stacks before the swap expires, the supplier may see the preimage in the swapper may lose their BTC without getting xBTC.
Allow a supplier to call remove-funds() after expiration or create a specific revoke-inbound-swap() function. Alternatively, have an admin that can revert locked transactions manually when needed.
Fixed. A function, revoke-expired-inbound(txid), was added to allow revoking an expired transaction given its transaction id.
Minor Severity Issues
No issues found.
These items do not represent a security risk. They are best practices that we suggest implementing.
ID | Title | Status |
EN-01 | Supplier Name Leading to Phishing Attacks | Implemented |
EN-01 Supplier Name Leading To Phishing Attacks
A registered supplier may change his name. A second supplier may then use this name and impersonate the first one. Alternatively, a supplier may pick a name which is very similar to another supplier. In both cases a swapper identifying a supplier via the get-supplier-by-name() function may fail to understand what supplier he is interacting with and fall victim to a phishing attack.
Remove this function unless necessary. In that case, document risks for users within the smart contact and any web interface users may deal with.
Implemented. The name parameter from the supplier mappings and the get-supplier-by-name() function were removed.
Other Considerations
The considerations stated in this section are not right or wrong. We do not suggest any action to fix them. But we consider that they may be of interest for other stakeholders of the project, including users of the audited contracts, owners or project investors.
The documentation could be improved. Documentation within the code explains the use of the most relevant functions, and so does the docs. However, there are other steps in the protocol (e.g., happening off network or in the Bitcoin network) which are not explained.
- 2022-05-10 – Initial report based on commit 0fe0125735b2381e95e51456673b3e10e03f0a2b.
- 2022-06-21 – Revision based on commit 9a9e7ca2b4555c07d9d818b65f2000332c6307b4.
Disclaimer: This audit report is not a security warranty, investment advice, or an approval of the Magic Bridge project since CoinFabrik has not reviewed its platform. Moreover, it does not provide a smart contract code faultlessness guarantee.